Digital Art

Christiane Paul

Thames and Hudson, ISBN 0500203679 The multiple roots on one side and the other ramifications of digital art will continue to make an object fascinating and elusive at the same time for the categories of contemporary art. The indissoluble bond with the technologies and their complex technical and conceptual structure continues to be an obstacle to the integration of works based on the transformation of data through scheduled jobs in a more extended analysis and study that will enable the development contextualization and prospects even more large and directly connected to everyday experience. Despite this, the lucid systematization developed by Paul allows you to compress the essential features of a thriving artistic production that runs through nearly two decades in a little over two hundred pages, by selecting exhaustively the different lines of research adopted by artists. This demarcating the differences in very different approaches along with their direct consequences. For example, the use of digital technologies in an instrumental, able to bring out the artificial representation of reality, often simply distorting the coordinates, is clearly distinguished in a separate chapter of its use as a medium, which involves many other considerations on the middle and on the meanings that it can generate from its intrinsic characteristics. And the rifts that open in the categorization of themes applied many windows offer reading of the themes that have collected the largest following and at the same time are able to impact more digital culture. But despite this excellent work, the lack of a broader vision and rooted inextricably with our time continues to take its toll, leaving blurred, as covered an opaque veil, the glittering and continuous innovation in the methods of communication which resulted with digital media.